Vasti involves by a specially prepared warm herbal oil being poured over and retained inside the black gram paste boundary for the required duration.
Greeva Basti
In Greeva Basti specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the neck and retained inside a well, created with black gram paste. It is used in the treatment of neck and upper back conditions like cervical spondylosis, stiff neck and pain due to muscular strain.
Kati Basti
In Kati Basti specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the lower back and retained inside a well created using black gram paste. It is helpful in lower back conditions like lumbar spondylosis, inter-vertebral disc prolepses, lumbago (a low backache), and sciatica.
Janu Basti
In Janu Basti specially prepared warm herbal oil is poured over the knee and retained inside a well created using black gram paste. It is used in the treatment of osteoArthritis of knee joints, osteoporosis, and Arthritis of knee joints and chronic pain of the knee joints.