Rakta Mokshana

Rakthamoksha or blood letting is the last, but most complex form of body purification therapies in Ayurvedic panchakarma. Toxins from the gastro-intestinal track accumulate in the
blood and reach every tissue and cell of the body.
This toxins cause different problems like infections, skin diseases, and diseases that affect heart, liver, spleen, etc.
Excess pitta can be transferred to raktha (blood). Pitta is originally produced from the
red blood cells disintegrated at the liver. Thus pitta and rakta are closely related.
Excess pitta converts to toxins of the blood.
Blood letting automatically stops after some time. It is as if the body knows how much
blood it needs to throw out to attain swastya or healthy condition.
Blood letting automatically stops after some time. It is as if the body knows how much
blood it needs to throw out to attain swastya or healthy condition.
Conditions like acne, rashes, eczema, chronic itching, enlarged liver or spleen etc
are the conditions for which blood letting is advocated.
Persons with anemia, edema, body weakness, etc are not advised to take rakta moksha.
Children, elderly people, pregnant woman, etc are also not allowed to take this therapy.